Case Studies
Click the links below to see some of our past projects. These case studies were written for Icon’s Conservation Register and are hosted on their website along side a few additional projects.

A 19th century Cantonese porcelain bowl decorated with colourful overglaze enamels and gilding. This punch bowl is a treasured family heirloom passed down through four generations from Captain William Stuart of the merchant clippers Tweed and Loch Etive.
​Stabilisation of a Portuguese Pithoi from the walled garden at Turn End in Haddenham, Buckinghamshire. This large planter has been a part of the Grade II garden at Turn End for 50 years.

A 20th century Venetian glass vase in the shape of an amphora with intricate latticinio cane work and encased gold leaf. The vase was broken at the base and could not be displayed without treatment.
An exceptional 18th century Chinese enamelled copperware Fruit Tray painted with vibrant motifs of exotic fruit and flowers. The tray was damaged when the mounting system failed, causing surface loss and distortion.